Terms & Conditions

Get to know our terms of use and sales conditions

The STAGE.MA website is published by the company: STAGE MAROC SARL, registered under number 282853 with the Commercial Register of Casablanca, with its registered office located at 52, Bld Zerktouni. Casablanca - Morocco.
Telephone: 0553 06 60 20
Email: Contact@STAGE.ma
Corporate name: STAGE MAROC SARL
Business ID: 34291384
Commercial Register: 282853
Tax ID: 14435893
CNSS: 9622839
The company STAGE MAROC, through its service STAGE.MA, provides a technical platform for connecting interns and recruiters accessible on the Internet at the URL http://www.STAGE.ma (the 'Site').
The platform allows 'Users' (referring to students or young graduates/companies/institutions or any person browsing the Site) to, if applicable:
  • Submit/consult curriculum vitae ('CVs') and cover letters
  • Submit/consult internship offers in compliance with the laws of the Kingdom of Morocco
  • Submit/consult company profiles ('Company Profiles'), collectively or separately referred to as the 'Service'
  • Submit/consult contact information
The use of the site or the mentioned services signifies the acceptance of these terms and conditions and implies compliance with these conditions without exception or reservation on the part of the users. Users should ensure that the laws of the Kingdom of Morocco allow them to use the various services offered on the Site.
Prospective interns are individuals who wish to find an internship, hereinafter referred to as 'Intern'.
Interns guarantee that they are free to work in the Kingdom of Morocco in compliance with the applicable regulations.
Companies are legal entities that wish to offer internship opportunities and/or make themselves known to interns. They must ensure that all internship offers submitted on the Site comply with the laws of the Kingdom of Morocco.
STAGE MAROC is a provider of the technical platform for connecting Users and does not intervene in any way in the relationships between Users.
  1. The Site and its content, including texts, images (static or animated), databases, programs, languages, etc., are protected by copyright and are the property of STAGE MAROC.
  2. STAGE MAROC grants you only the right to view internship offers for personal and private use. Paper printing or digital reproduction is only permitted for private copies for the exclusive use of the copier in accordance with regulations on intellectual property. Failure to comply with this requirement will authorize STAGE MAROC to take legal action against the copier for copyright infringement.
  3. The information contained on the Site is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice.
  4. STAGE MAROC does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the Site and the proper functioning of the Site. Therefore, STAGE MAROC cannot be held responsible for any failure on the Site or for the accuracy of the information presented.
  5. The company STAGE MAROC is not responsible for the data you submit on the Site. It is your responsibility to retain or create a backup copy of the information you submit on the site. It is also your responsibility to ensure that the information you submit on the Site complies with the laws of the Kingdom of Morocco.
  6. STAGE MAROC reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice.
  7. Companies undertake to publish internship offers under the following conditions:
    1. Compliance with the laws of the Kingdom of Morocco
    2. Offers must be clear, fair, truthful, accurate, and free from misleading or deceptive statements.
    3. Offers must not harm the interests and reputation of STAGE MAROC and/or its Site.
    4. Links in the advertisements will not be clickable, but they must lead to sites that comply with these terms of use and must not lead to a site that competes with the present Site or to an internal recruitment site of a company.
    5. Compliance with the promised information specified in the published internship offers concerning recruited interns.
  8. STAGE MAROC reserves the right to delete the account of any user who does not comply with these general terms and conditions without prior notice.
  9. STAGE MAROC will refund all users who request a refund within 3 working days following the payment. The refund will be made by bank transfer to the user's own bank account for traceability.
  10. The refund will be provided only if the user is not satisfied, meaning if the user has not received all the elements of the purchased service or if the quality of any of its elements is deemed inadequate.